Celebrity scandals

English Conversation Questions on Celebrity scandals

  • What is your opinion on celebrity scandals? Do you think they are warranted or do you think the media is too hard on celebrities?
  • Have you ever been a fan of a celebrity who was involved in a scandal? How did it affect your opinion of them?
  • Do you think celebrities have a higher responsibility to conduct themselves in a certain way because of their fame?
  • In your opinion, which celebrity scandal was the most shocking or surprising?
  • Do you think celebrities have the right to privacy, or do they give up that right when they become famous?
  • Do you think the media is fair in its coverage of celebrity scandals?
  • Do you think celebrities who have been involved in scandals should be allowed to continue their careers?
  • Do you think celebrities who have been involved in scandals are treated differently by the media based on their gender, race, or other factors?
  • In your opinion, what is the most common type of celebrity scandal?
  • Do you think celebrity scandals have a negative impact on society as a whole?
  • Do you think celebrities who have been involved in scandals should be held to a higher standard of accountability than non-celebrities?
  • In your opinion, how do celebrity scandals compare to scandals involving politicians or other public figures?
  • Do you think celebrities who have been involved in scandals should be given a second chance? Under what circumstances?
  • Do you think celebrities have a responsibility to be role models for their fans?
  • Do you think celebrities who have been involved in scandals should be allowed to redeem themselves through their work or public appearances?

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