Changing a bad habit

English Conversation Questions on Changing a bad habit

  • What is the bad habit that you want to change?
  • How long have you had this bad habit?
  • What motivated you to try and change this bad habit?
  • What have you tried in the past to change this bad habit?
  • Do you have any strategies in place to help you change this bad habit?
  • How have you been able to successfully change other bad habits in the past?
  • What challenges do you anticipate while trying to change this bad habit?
  • Who can you turn to for support and encouragement as you try to change this bad habit?
  • What are the potential benefits of changing this bad habit?
  • What steps can you take to make it easier to change this bad habit?
  • How will you celebrate once you have successfully changed this bad habit?

More English Conversation Questions on Change