Fashion icons and inspiration

English Conversation Questions on Fashion icons and inspiration

  • What do you think is the biggest controversy surrounding fashion icons and inspiration?
  • Do you believe that fashion icons have a responsibility to be role models for their followers?
  • How do you think fashion icons influence the way people dress and present themselves?
  • Do you think that certain fashion icons are overrated or undervalued? Why or why not?
  • How do you think the fashion industry can better support diversity and inclusion among its icons and inspirations?
  • Do you think that fashion icons should be held accountable for their actions and the messages they promote through their clothing and style choices?
  • In your opinion, what makes a person a good fashion icon or inspiration?
  • Do you think that fashion icons and inspiration should be chosen based on their talent or based on their appearance and fame?
  • How do you think the media plays a role in promoting or criticizing fashion icons and their influence?
  • Do you think that fashion icons and inspiration should be more politically and socially conscious in their work and influence?
  • Do you think that fashion icons and inspiration should be held to the same standards as other public figures, such as politicians or celebrities?
  • Do you think that people should be more critical of the fashion icons and inspirations they look up to and follow?
  • How do you think the rise of social media has impacted the way people perceive and interact with fashion icons and inspiration?
  • Do you think that fashion icons and inspiration should be more transparent about the behind-the-scenes aspects of their work and industry?
  • In your opinion, what is the best way for people to engage with fashion icons and inspiration in a meaningful way?

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