Terrorism and extremism

English Conversation Questions on Terrorism and extremism

  • What is the definition of terrorism and extremism?
  • What are the main causes of terrorism and extremism?
  • What are the consequences of terrorism and extremism on individuals and society?
  • How do different countries and cultures view and respond to terrorism and extremism?
  • What are some examples of terrorist and extremist groups around the world?
  • What role do social media and technology play in the spread of terrorism and extremism?
  • How have governments and international organizations tried to combat terrorism and extremism?
  • What are some criticisms of these efforts?
  • How do religion and politics intersect with terrorism and extremism?
  • What are the impacts of terrorism and extremism on international relations and diplomacy?
  • What are the psychological motivations behind joining a terrorist or extremist group?
  • How can individuals and communities protect themselves from terrorism and extremism?
  • What are some strategies for de-radicalization and prevention of terrorism and extremism?
  • What are the ethical considerations in addressing terrorism and extremism?
  • What are some potential long-term solutions to addressing the root causes of terrorism and extremism?

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