Consumerism: Luxury goods obsession

English Conversation Questions on Consumerism: Luxury goods obsession

  • What is luxury goods obsession and how is it manifested in consumer behavior?
  • Why do some people feel the need to buy luxury goods even when they can’t afford them?
  • How do luxury brands create and maintain demand for their products?
  • What are some of the negative effects of luxury goods obsession on individuals and society as a whole?
  • Is it possible to enjoy luxury goods without becoming obsessed with them?
  • Do you think that luxury goods obsession is a result of advertising and media influence?
  • What are some alternative ways to satisfy the desire for luxury goods?
  • Do you think that luxury goods obsession is more prevalent in certain cultures or social groups?
  • How can we reduce the pressure to buy luxury goods and promote more sustainable consumption?
  • What role do social media influencers play in promoting luxury goods obsession?
  • What are some ethical issues related to the production and consumption of luxury goods?

More English Conversation Questions on Consumerism