Death and religion

English Conversation Questions on Death and religion

  • What role does religion play in shaping one’s beliefs about death?
  • How do different religions approach the concept of an afterlife?
  • Do you believe that religious beliefs can provide comfort in the face of death? Why or why not?
  • In what ways do religious practices and rituals surrounding death and dying vary across different cultures and religions?
  • What is your religion’s teaching about the nature of the soul and its existence after death?
  • How do you think religious beliefs about death may influence end-of-life care decisions?
  • What is the purpose of religious funerals or memorial services?
  • Can you think of any religious figures or stories that deal with the topic of death?
  • Do you think that death should be viewed as a natural part of life, or is it something to be feared?
  • Does your religion have any particular beliefs or practices related to mourning or grieving the death of a loved one?
  • In what ways do you think contemporary society’s views on death differ from the views of ancient civilizations or cultures with different religious traditions?

More English Conversation Questions on Death