Fashion and beauty trends

English Conversation Questions on Fashion and beauty trends

  • What is your opinion on the pressure placed on individuals to conform to certain fashion and beauty standards?
  • Do you think fashion and beauty trends should be more inclusive and diverse?
  • What are some examples of fashion and beauty trends that have been harmful or offensive?
  • Do you believe that fashion and beauty companies have a responsibility to be more socially and environmentally responsible?
  • How do you think social media and the influence of celebrities impact fashion and beauty trends?
  • Do you think that fashion and beauty trends are important in terms of self-expression and identity?
  • How do you think the fashion and beauty industries can be more transparent and accountable?
  • What are some ways that individuals can resist harmful or oppressive fashion and beauty trends?
  • How do you think the fashion and beauty industries can better address issues of cultural appropriation and exploitation?
  • Do you believe that the fashion and beauty industries should be held to higher ethical standards?
  • How do you think fashion and beauty trends can be used to make a positive impact on society?

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