Fashion influencers and bloggers

English Conversation Questions on Fashion influencers and bloggers

  • Who are some of your favorite fashion influencers or bloggers and why?
  • What role do fashion influencers and bloggers play in the fashion industry?
  • Do you follow any fashion influencers or bloggers on social media? If so, which ones and why do you like their content?
  • What do you think sets successful fashion influencers and bloggers apart from those who are less successful?
  • How has the rise of social media and the internet impacted the role of fashion influencers and bloggers?
  • Do you think fashion influencers and bloggers have a responsibility to be conscious of the environmental and ethical impacts of the fashion industry?
  • How do fashion influencers and bloggers make money?
  • What are some ways that fashion influencers and bloggers collaborate with brands or designers?
  • Have you ever purchased an item or tried a trend because a fashion influencer or blogger recommended it?
  • How do you think fashion influencers and bloggers will evolve in the future?
  • What advice do you have for someone who is interested in becoming a fashion influencer or blogger?

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