
English Conversation Questions on Intersectionality

  • What does intersectionality mean, and why is it important in discussions of gender?
  • What are some examples of how intersectionality affects individuals’ experiences?
  • How can we support individuals with intersecting identities, such as Black trans women?
  • What challenges do people with multiple marginalized identities face?
  • How does intersectionality impact access to resources and opportunities?
  • How can we create more inclusive and equitable systems for people with intersecting identities?
  • What role do privilege and power play in discussions of intersectionality?
  • How can we better center the experiences of marginalized communities in conversations about gender and equity?
  • What impact can intersectionality have on policies and decision-making?
  • What can individuals do to learn more about intersectionality and become better allies?
  • How can we work towards a society that is truly intersectional and equitable for all individuals?

More English Conversation Questions on Gender