The role of support from friends and family in goal achievement

English Conversation Questions on The role of support from friends and family in goal achievement

  • Do you believe that having support from friends and family is necessary for achieving goals?
  • In what ways do you think support from loved ones can be helpful in goal achievement?
  • Have you ever achieved a goal with the help of support from friends and family?
  • On the other hand, have you ever felt that support from loved ones was hindering your progress towards a goal?
  • How do you think people can balance the desire for support with the need for independence in goal achievement?
  • Do you think there is such a thing as “too much” support from friends and family in regards to goal achievement?
  • How do you think support from friends and family can vary depending on the type of goal being pursued?
  • In what ways do you think support from loved ones can impact a person’s motivation and confidence in achieving their goals?
  • Do you think it is important for friends and family to respect an individual’s autonomy in their goal pursuit, even if they disagree with the goal itself?
  • Have you ever had to navigate conflicting goals or desires with the support of friends and family?
  • Do you think it is possible for someone to achieve their goals without any support from loved ones? If so, how do you think they can go about it?

More English Conversation Questions on Goals