Impact of internet on traditional media

English Conversation Questions on Impact of internet on traditional media

  • How has the internet affected traditional media outlets such as newspapers and television?
  • In what ways has the internet made it easier or harder for traditional media to reach audiences?
  • How have traditional media companies adapted to the rise of digital media?
  • Has the internet led to the decline of traditional media or has it provided new opportunities for them?
  • How has the internet changed the way we consume news and information?
  • Has the internet increased the amount of misinformation in the media?
  • What role do social media platforms play in the distribution of traditional media content?
  • How have internet-based news sources affected the traditional media’s revenue?
  • What are the pros and cons of traditional media and internet-based news sources?
  • How has the internet affected the diversity of voices and perspectives in the media?
  • How does the internet impact the credibility of traditional media sources?

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