Panic and me

English Conversation Questions on Panic and me

  • How do you define panic?
  • Have you ever experienced a panic attack? If so, can you describe the situation?
  • What are some common triggers for panic in your life?
  • How does panic affect your daily life and routine?
  • Do you have any coping mechanisms or strategies to deal with panic?
  • Are there any specific situations or places that tend to make you more prone to experiencing panic?
  • Have you sought professional help or therapy to manage panic? If yes, how has it helped?
  • What role do you think stress plays in contributing to panic?
  • Do you think there is a connection between anxiety and panic? How do they relate to each other?
  • How do you communicate with your friends and family about your panic experiences?
  • Are there any activities or hobbies that help you feel more relaxed and less prone to panic?

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