Smells and me

English Conversation Questions on Smells and me

  • What are some of your favorite smells and why do you like them?
  • What are some smells that you find unpleasant and why?
  • Can you think of any smells that evoke strong memories for you?
  • Do you think people have different sensitivity to smells?
  • How important do you think smells are in shaping our experiences?
  • Do you think smells can affect our moods and emotions?
  • What are some cultural differences in the way people perceive smells?
  • How do you think the importance of smells has changed throughout history?
  • What are some smells that are associated with different times of year?
  • What role do you think smells play in our social interactions with others?
  • How do you think advances in technology might change the way we experience smells?

More English Conversation Questions on Smells