Suicide and mental illness

English Conversation Questions on Suicide and mental illness

  • What is the relationship between suicide and mental illness?
  • What are the most common mental illnesses that can lead to suicide?
  • What are the warning signs that someone might be thinking about suicide?
  • How can friends, family, and caregivers help someone who is struggling with suicidal thoughts?
  • What are the common misconceptions about suicide and mental illness?
  • How can communities and society work together to prevent suicide and address mental illness?
  • What are some effective treatments for mental illnesses that can reduce the risk of suicide?
  • What can individuals do to take care of their own mental health and prevent suicide?
  • What resources are available for those who are struggling with suicidal thoughts or who have lost someone to suicide?
  • How can the stigma around mental illness and suicide be reduced?
  • How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the rates of suicide and mental illness?

More English Conversation Questions on Suicide