Sunbathing dangers

English Conversation Questions on Sunbathing dangers

  • What are some of the dangers of sunbathing?
  • How can sunbathing lead to skin cancer?
  • What are some ways to protect yourself from the sun while still enjoying the outdoors?
  • What are some symptoms of sunburn and how can it be treated?
  • Do you think people should avoid sunbathing altogether or just take precautions?
  • How does sunbathing affect different skin types and ages?
  • What are some of the myths about sunbathing?
  • How can someone safely get a tan without risking skin damage?
  • What are some long-term effects of sunbathing?
  • Do you think the dangers of sunbathing are well-known and taken seriously?
  • What advice would you give to someone who wants to safely enjoy the sun?

More English Conversation Questions on Sun