Terrorism and religion

English Conversation Questions on Terrorism and religion

  • What is terrorism, and how does it relate to religion?
  • Do you believe that religious beliefs can be used to justify acts of terrorism?
  • How have different religions responded to acts of terrorism carried out in the name of their faith?
  • Do you think that religious extremism is a major factor contributing to terrorism?
  • Can religious leaders play a role in preventing acts of terrorism?
  • How does the media coverage of terrorism incidents impact the public’s perception of religion?
  • In your opinion, what steps can be taken to prevent acts of terrorism motivated by religious beliefs?
  • Do you think that religious tolerance and education could help combat terrorism?
  • What is your personal opinion on the relationship between religion and terrorism?
  • Have there been any successful examples of interfaith cooperation in the fight against terrorism?
  • Do you think that religious leaders have a responsibility to speak out against acts of terrorism committed in the name of their faith?

More English Conversation Questions on Terror