Age and beauty standards

English Conversation Questions on Age and beauty standards

  • What are the most common beauty standards that are promoted in society today?
  • How do these beauty standards vary by culture and age group?
  • How do age and beauty standards intersect and influence each other?
  • In what ways do age and beauty standards contribute to ageism and discrimination?
  • How do media and advertising play a role in shaping beauty standards?
  • How do age and beauty standards impact the way people feel about their bodies and appearance as they age?
  • What can be done to challenge and dismantle harmful age and beauty standards?
  • What is the impact of plastic surgery and other appearance-altering practices on age and beauty standards?
  • How do beauty standards for men differ from those for women, and how do age and beauty standards intersect for men?
  • How do race, ethnicity, and other identities intersect with age and beauty standards?
  • What are some ways that people can embrace and celebrate their own unique beauty at any age?
  • How can we work towards a society that values people of all ages and appearances?
  • In what ways do age and beauty standards reflect and reinforce larger power imbalances in society?
  • What can we learn from cultures and societies that have different age and beauty standards than those that are dominant in mainstream media?
  • How can we foster a more inclusive and body-positive culture when it comes to age and beauty standards?

More English Conversation Questions on Age