Life expectancy

English Conversation Questions on Life expectancy

  • What factors contribute to variations in life expectancy across different populations?
  • Is there a link between life expectancy and income or socio-economic status?
  • What impact do lifestyle choices have on life expectancy?
  • Are there any countries with particularly high or low life expectancy rates, and what might explain this?
  • How has life expectancy changed over time and what factors have contributed to these changes?
  • What role do genetics play in determining life expectancy?
  • Are there any medical or technological advances that have significantly impacted life expectancy?
  • What ethical considerations come into play when discussing life expectancy and allocation of medical resources?
  • How do different cultural attitudes towards aging and death affect life expectancy?
  • What is the relationship between life expectancy and access to healthcare?
  • How does life expectancy differ for men and women, and why might this be the case?
  • What is the relationship between life expectancy and environmental factors, such as air pollution or access to clean water?
  • How does the quality of healthcare in a given country impact life expectancy?
  • Are there any interventions or policies that have been implemented to address disparities in life expectancy?
  • What role do social determinants of health, such as education and employment, play in determining life expectancy?

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