Makeup trends

English Conversation Questions on Makeup trends

  • What are some popular makeup trends that have caused controversy in the past?
  • Do you think makeup trends should be inclusive and representative of all skin tones and facial features?
  • Do you believe that people should be able to wear any makeup trend they want, regardless of whether it is traditionally associated with their gender?
  • How do you think social media and celebrities influence makeup trends?
  • Do you think makeup should be used as a form of self-expression, or is it just a way to conform to societal beauty standards?
  • What are your thoughts on the “no makeup” makeup trend?
  • Do you think makeup companies have a responsibility to ensure their products are safe and not harmful to users?
  • What are your thoughts on the trend of using makeup to transform into a different race or ethnicity?
  • Do you think makeup trends should be more mindful of cultural appropriateness?
  • Do you believe that makeup can be empowering for people of all genders, or do you think it reinforces gender roles?
  • How do you think the beauty industry could be more inclusive and representative of different cultures and identities?
  • Do you think makeup should be used to enhance natural beauty, or do you think it’s okay to use it to completely transform one’s appearance?
  • What are your thoughts on the use of makeup to cover up physical flaws or imperfections?
  • Do you think there is a double standard when it comes to men and makeup?
  • Do you think the beauty industry puts too much pressure on people to conform to certain beauty standards through the use of makeup?

More English Conversation Questions on Beauty