Cyber-Bullying: Effects on mental health

English Conversation Questions on Cyber-Bullying: Effects on mental health

  • What are some of the psychological effects of cyber-bullying?
  • How can cyber-bullying impact a person’s self-esteem and self-worth?
  • What are some of the long-term effects of cyber-bullying on mental health?
  • Why do some individuals become more susceptible to cyber-bullying than others?
  • How can a person cope with the effects of cyber-bullying on their mental health?
  • What role can friends and family play in supporting someone who is experiencing cyber-bullying?
  • What are some of the warning signs that someone may be a victim of cyber-bullying?
  • How can schools and educational institutions address the mental health effects of cyber-bullying?
  • What resources are available to individuals who have been impacted by cyber-bullying?
  • What is the importance of seeking professional help in addressing the mental health effects of cyber-bullying?
  • What steps can society take to prevent cyber-bullying and its negative impacts on mental health?

More English Conversation Questions on Cyber-bullying