Planting seeds versus seedlings

English Conversation Questions on Planting seeds versus seedlings

  • What are the pros and cons of planting seeds versus seedlings in gardening?
  • Can you save money by starting with seeds rather than seedlings?
  • What are the main differences between planting seeds and seedlings in terms of time and effort?
  • Are there certain plants that are more suitable for starting from seeds versus seedlings? If so, which ones?
  • How do you decide whether to plant seeds or seedlings for a particular gardening project?
  • Can you get a bigger yield by starting with seedlings instead of seeds?
  • What is the success rate for starting plants from seeds versus seedlings?
  • Are there any special techniques or equipment needed for planting seeds or seedlings?
  • What are some common challenges or problems that can arise when planting seeds or seedlings?
  • Are there any environmental or sustainability factors to consider when deciding between seeds and seedlings?
  • What are some useful tips or resources for gardeners who are trying to decide between planting seeds or seedlings?

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