Avoiding harmful substances

English Conversation Questions on Avoiding harmful substances

  • What are some common harmful substances that people should avoid?
  • What are the short-term and long-term effects of using these substances?
  • What are some strategies for avoiding harmful substances?
  • What are some warning signs that someone may be using harmful substances?
  • What are some resources available for individuals who want to quit using harmful substances?
  • What are some steps that friends and family can take to help a loved one avoid harmful substances?
  • How can one identify and avoid situations that may lead to substance use?
  • How can one distinguish between “recreational” use and addiction?
  • What are some common misconceptions about harmful substances?
  • What are some ways to cope with cravings and triggers related to harmful substances?
  • How can society as a whole work to reduce the harm caused by harmful substances?

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