Jesus miracles

English Conversation Questions on Jesus miracles

  • What are some of the most well-known miracles attributed to Jesus?
  • How did Jesus perform his miracles?
  • What was the significance of Jesus turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana?
  • Can you describe the healing miracles performed by Jesus?
  • What is the story behind Jesus feeding the multitude with just a few loaves of bread and fish?
  • Did Jesus ever bring people back to life? If so, can you share some examples?
  • Were there any miracles that Jesus performed to demonstrate power over nature or the elements?
  • How did Jesus calm the storm at sea according to the biblical accounts?
  • What was the significance of Jesus walking on water?
  • Did Jesus perform any miracles specifically related to forgiveness or spiritual healing?
  • Are there any specific miracles of Jesus that are considered controversial or debated among scholars?

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