The impact of social media on marriage

English Conversation Questions on The impact of social media on marriage

  • How does social media use affect communication within a marriage?
  • In what ways does social media contribute to feelings of jealousy or insecurity in a relationship?
  • How does social media impact the trust and intimacy in a marriage?
  • Does social media usage lead to more conflicts or arguments in a marriage?
  • How has social media changed the way people meet and form romantic relationships?
  • Do you think social media has had a positive or negative impact on the institution of marriage?
  • How has social media affected the way people view and present themselves in relationships?
  • Can social media use be beneficial for maintaining long-distance relationships?
  • How has social media affected the way people handle and cope with relationship problems?
  • What steps can couples take to mitigate the negative effects of social media on their marriage?
  • How does social media use differ among different age groups and how does it affect their marriages?

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