My opinion on oil

English Conversation Questions on My opinion on oil

  • What is your general opinion on the use of oil as an energy source?
  • What are the main advantages and disadvantages of relying on oil for energy?
  • How do you think the extraction and production of oil impact the environment?
  • What alternatives to oil do you consider viable for meeting our energy needs?
  • Do you think there should be stricter regulations and policies regarding oil drilling and exploration?
  • How do you perceive the geopolitical implications and conflicts associated with oil?
  • Are there any specific circumstances or industries where you believe oil is essential?
  • What role should renewable energy sources play in reducing our dependence on oil?
  • How can individuals and communities promote and transition towards cleaner energy sources?
  • What do you think is the future outlook for oil as an energy resource?
  • Are there any personal experiences or observations that have shaped your opinion on oil?

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