Modern day slavery

English Conversation Questions on Modern day slavery

  • What is modern-day slavery and how does it differ from historical forms of slavery?
  • What are some of the industries and sectors in which modern-day slavery is prevalent?
  • What are the root causes of modern-day slavery and why does it persist?
  • What is the impact of modern-day slavery on individuals, communities, and society?
  • How can we identify and recognize cases of modern-day slavery?
  • What are some of the challenges in addressing and combating modern-day slavery?
  • What are some of the policies and initiatives that have been implemented to combat modern-day slavery?
  • What role can businesses and consumers play in ending modern-day slavery?
  • What is the role of international cooperation and human rights organizations in addressing modern-day slavery?
  • What can individuals and communities do to raise awareness and take action against modern-day slavery?
  • What steps can be taken to prevent individuals from falling victim to modern-day slavery?

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