Cultural practices and customs

English Conversation Questions on Arguing About Cultural practices and customs

  • What are some cultural practices or customs that you have encountered that you disagree with?
  • How do you approach situations where your cultural beliefs or practices differ from those of others?
  • What are some ways that cultural practices or customs can come into conflict with laws or societal norms?
  • How do you think we can balance respecting different cultural practices with ensuring that all individuals are treated equally and fairly?
  • What are some examples of cultural practices or customs that have been misunderstood or misrepresented by outsiders?
  • How can we effectively communicate and understand the meanings and significance behind different cultural practices or customs?
  • Do you think it’s possible to change cultural practices or customs that are harmful or oppressive?
  • How do cultural practices or customs evolve over time?
  • How can we navigate conversations about controversial cultural practices or customs in a respectful and productive way?
  • Do you think cultural relativism – the idea that different cultures should be understood and evaluated on their own terms – is a useful approach? Why or why not?
  • What role do you think power dynamics play in discussions about cultural practices or customs?
  • How do cultural practices or customs intersect with personal identity and individual beliefs?
  • What are some ways that cultural practices or customs can be used to preserve and celebrate heritage?
  • What are some ways that cultural practices or customs can be used to oppress or discriminate against certain groups of people?
  • What steps do you think we can take to promote cultural understanding and respect across different communities and societies?

Other English Conversation Questions on Arguing and Arguments