Sexism generally

English Conversation Questions on Sexism generally

  • What is sexism and how does it manifest in our daily lives?
  • How do you think sexism affects different genders, and what are some common stereotypes or biases people face?
  • What are some examples of sexism in the workplace, and how can we work to overcome these issues?
  • How does sexism intersect with other forms of discrimination, such as racism or homophobia?
  • What role does education play in combating sexism, and how can we work to ensure that young people are learning about gender equality?
  • How can people be allies to those who are affected by sexism, both in their personal lives and in the wider community?
  • What are some examples of positive change that have been made in recent years to combat sexism, and how can we build on this progress?
  • How do you think media and pop culture contribute to sexist attitudes, and what can be done to change this?
  • What impact does sexism have on mental health, and how can we support those who are struggling with these issues?

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