Social issues: Climate change action

English Conversation Questions on Social issues: Climate change action

  • What is your understanding of climate change and its impact on our planet?
  • What steps do you take in your daily life to reduce your carbon footprint?
  • What do you think is the biggest obstacle in addressing climate change?
  • How do you think government and corporations should be held accountable for their role in climate change?
  • What role do individuals have in promoting climate action and advocacy?
  • What do you think are some effective ways to educate the public about the urgency of climate change?
  • What do you believe is the most pressing climate change issue that needs to be addressed immediately?
  • What are some successful climate change initiatives that you have heard of?
  • Do you think a collective effort can still make a significant impact in addressing climate change?
  • What are some personal sacrifices you are willing to make to contribute to climate action?
  • What are your hopes for the future of our planet in regards to climate change?

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