The nature of justice

English Conversation Questions on The nature of justice

  • What is your definition of justice?
  • Do you believe that justice always involves punishment for wrongdoing?
  • How do cultural and societal values influence our understanding of justice?
  • What role do personal biases play in the pursuit of justice?
  • Should restorative justice, which aims to repair the harm caused by a crime, be given more consideration in the legal system?
  • Is the death penalty an appropriate form of punishment for certain crimes?
  • Do you believe that justice should always be based on the letter of the law, or should it take into account extenuating circumstances?
  • In cases where the legal system fails to provide justice, do you believe it is justifiable to seek vigilante justice?
  • How do issues of power and privilege affect the distribution of justice?
  • What measures can be taken to ensure that justice is applied fairly and equally to all people, regardless of their social or economic status?
  • Do you think it is possible to achieve true justice, or is it always flawed in some way?

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