Social Media: Instagram vs. Snapchat

English Conversation Questions on Social Media: Instagram vs. Snapchat

  • Do you prefer Instagram or Snapchat? Why?
  • Which platform do you think is more popular? Why?
  • What features do you like better on Instagram or Snapchat?
  • Do you think Instagram has become too mainstream? Why or why not?
  • How do you think the rise of Instagram has affected Snapchat?
  • What do you think sets Instagram and Snapchat apart from each other?
  • Do you think Instagram’s popularity will eventually lead to the demise of Snapchat? Why or why not?
  • How do you think the different target audiences for Instagram and Snapchat affect their popularity?
  • Do you think Instagram’s recent updates, such as the addition of Stories and filters, have been influenced by Snapchat?
  • Do you think Snapchat will be able to compete with Instagram in the future? Why or why not?
  • How do you think the user experience on Instagram and Snapchat compare?
  • Do you think Instagram’s focus on visual content makes it a better platform than Snapchat? Why or why not?
  • Do you think Snapchat’s focus on ephemeral content sets it apart from Instagram in a positive or negative way?
  • What role do you think the different advertising strategies of Instagram and Snapchat play in their respective successes?

More English Conversation Questions on Social Media