Social Media: Memes and Trends

English Conversation Questions on Social Media: Memes and Trends

  • What are some examples of popular memes or trends that have emerged on social media recently?
  • What do you think motivates people to create and share memes on social media?
  • Do you think memes can be a form of artistic expression, or are they just a way for people to waste time on the internet?
  • How do you think memes and trends on social media affect the way people communicate with each other?
  • Do you think memes and trends on social media can have a positive or negative impact on society?
  • What role do you think social media platforms play in promoting or suppressing memes and trends?
  • How do you think memes and trends on social media reflect the values and beliefs of the people who create and share them?
  • Do you think memes and trends on social media can be used as a tool for social or political activism?
  • How do you think the use of memes and trends on social media differs among different age groups or cultural backgrounds?
  • What are some examples of memes or trends that have caused controversy on social media? Why do you think they were controversial?
  • Do you think memes and trends on social media can be harmful to individuals or groups of people? If so, how?
  • Do you think it’s possible for memes and trends on social media to be regulated or controlled in any way? If so, how?
  • How do you think the use of memes and trends on social media will evolve in the future?
  • What are some steps that people can take to be more mindful of the memes and trends they create and share on social media?
  • Do you have any personal experiences with memes or trends on social media that you’d like to share?

More English Conversation Questions on Social Media